If you're reading this, you made it to the new year. Therefore, I'd start by saying congratulations. Not everyone made it into 2018, so count yourself lucky. What are your plans for the year? You may be amongst the significant percentage that make new year resolutions and don't seem to accomplish by the end of the year or the rest who freestyle through the year or you may be amongst the wise few who set goals and work on achieving them at some point in the year. My blog from January 2017 discusses goal setting and how to achieve the set goals by the end of the year. However, in this blog, I would like to talk about career building and reflecting on the future societal trends. You may not know this but by the year 2030 robots or robotic technology would have taken over a significant part of our workforce. It has already started. All you just have to do is look around. The government and business corporations are adopting this idea because of many reasons. Re...
Blogs on relationships, love and romance.