Every day we wake up,roll out of bed, check our phones to stay connected to the social world. We shower, grab a bite and run off to our jobs. We come back from our jobs, shower, grab a bite, catch a show or two on TV while staying connected to the social world, then we go to sleep. This becomes a cycle everyday. We become robots following a routine, while our relationship with God suffers. We forget God, well maybe its a stretch to say we forget Him but we keep God in storage. We keep Him in our metaphorical boxes for later use.We push Him to the sidelines till we run out of options or when we are greeted with problems, and solutions become a stranger to us. We become lost in the fast paced life that we are now enslaved to, which debars us from appreciating God's presence and blessings. Giving thanks to God for giving us the breath of life, good health, and ability to make wealth becomes a foreign language our minds and mouths find difficult to...
Blogs on relationships, love and romance.