I had another topic in mind to post for this month's blog but was somehow led to talk about breakups in relationship with regards to cheating on spouses. As we all know, relationships are part of our existence and started from our birth with our mothers to this present moment you're reading this. Relationships are our avenue to communicate with not just ourselves but with our surroundings. In other words, relationships are the propelling force that wields our longevity in society. Relationships can come in many forms: a professional relationship, a familial relationship, a social relationship or a love relationship and so on. In this blog I'll focus on the love relationship. When two people fall in love, the world which we know to be as a mean and nasty one magically becomes the happiest place to be for these two people as a result of the magical nature of love. This is because love stimulates the brain chemical or hormone that is known as oxytocin which is also known as...
Blogs on relationships, love and romance.