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Showing posts from May, 2019

S. E. X: What she wants (Play) - The final chapter

When it comes to sex, it is highly pertinent that the man knows his way around the bedroom or how to adequately explore the woman's anatomy in order to satisfy the woman or help her achieve orgasm. Helping a woman achieve orgasm is key in establishing a healthy sexual relationship or relationship in general as men are not as complex as women in achieving orgasms. The fundamentals of getting a woman sexually aroused or get to a point where achieving orgasms is clearly outlined in my previous blog. So, as much as some of the male readers may want to skip that blog, I strongly recommend you read that blog to get immersed in the basics of what to do to please the woman in the bedroom. So, since we are up to speed to what "foreplay" truly means and how it can be applied in a sexual relationship between couples, let us examine "play" or what every woman wants or seeks from their male partner in the bedroom. i) Every woman needs a man that knows what they are doing...