Happiness is a commodity of life, we humans strive to purchase at all cost. In some cases, we are stuck on it, feed on it and have withdrawal symptoms from running low or out of it. If we were to define happiness or put it in a sentence, we would say that happiness is the instant effect of realization or actualization. In other words, happiness is achieved when a goal or task is accomplished. Happiness, however is commonly mistaken or misinterpreted by us humans and therefore utilised wrongfully in our relationships with each other. Most people who are single, when asked what they look for in a mate, state that they want someone who make them happy. Also, people who are in a relationship, when asked what they like about their mate, usually state that he or she makes them happy. However, this is far from the truth. This is because no one has the power to make you happy. The truth is that you are responsible for your own happiness. Yes, people can be agents of helping you achieve your ha...
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