If you have read any of my blogs, you would know how I always emphasize the importance of relationships in our existence. Relationships not only gives meaning to our existence, but it also drives our daily routine and life. Our survival, adaptation and ability to exercise our emotions all stem from our engagements in different relationships. Therefore, it is safe to say that relationships play a key role in our lives. Every relationship we form with people is imperative to our growth as an individual, because those relationships in my many ways depicts who we are as a person.
Our relationships with others may be important but the most important relationship we could ever form is the one we have with ourselves. Although, this is the most important relationship and the one that requires most of our energy and intentions towards building, it is the one we shy away from the most. We go into relationships with many people without actually having a proper understanding of who we are as a person. This in most instances, lead to rifts in relationships. Rifts and heartbreaks that could have been avoided or handled differently if our relationships with ourselves were a healthy one.
Recently, I went on my second solo trip for my birthday. While on the trip, one of my friends could not comprehend why I would go on a trip by myself. I explained to my friend the reasons for my solo trip. Firstly, I no longer share the belief of waiting on or compromising my dreams in life just to have someone else with me on a trip. Also, most importantly and personally, solo trips have become a source of intimacy for me because they have provided me with avenues to truly understand myself as a person and how I deal with different challenges. For Instance, I have been lost couple of times in countries that had few English speaking people and it was in those moments which also can be high stress situations, that I have now come to know some of strengths that I was not aware of earlier. These solo trips also helped me learn of my weaknesses and also led me to celebrate little wins like being able to take transit in a foreign country or take lengthy walks and finding my way home.
Engaging in forming intimacy in self is a great way to create a foundation that solidifies the relationships you form with others because if you are able to take the time to get to know yourself, then the tendency or willingness to know and understand others will never be far-fetched. It is key to seek avenues that aid in the development of self-intimacy. Other ways to achieve this self knowledge are but are not limited to: meditation, taking walks, journaling and self-reflection. I wish you all well in the journey of fostering a better relationship with others and yourselves.
Donald Trump, a known business man and TV personality is the 45th president of the United States of America. I remember being in a state of shock when he won the election last year and was inaugurated into office earlier this year. Since the inception of his government, he has been controversial in his comments, actions and leadership style. This has caused a lot of hateful comments and criticism from celebrities. Recent controversial comments from Trump include the racist comments regarding NFL players, belittling and preachy comments on Puerto Rico, Harvey Weinstein and Bob Corker. Trump's administration has brought about feelings of hate and disgust in people to the point that people have marched out in streets in protests as a means to voice their feelings. Although Donald Trump is a little child in an adult body because of his leadership judgment, mannerisms, choice of words and actions, he is just what America needs. This is because he is the most successful American p...
Well written. The most important relationship we can have is the relationship between you and yourself! Being self aware. Being comfortable being alone! All helps with building relationships with the outside world