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The inner beats the outer

The heightened media influence in the world today has led to a lot of changes in how things are viewed or perceived. As anything that brings about change, it has brought along things of good and bad. The world we live in, is a world that revolves around sight (what you see) and as such, dwells on the outward reflection of a person. When you watch the Oscars or the Grammys on the TV, you hear comments of how well dressed or how good look someone looks. The outer self gets the most praise while the inner self rarely gets discussed. Also, the rise in popularity and the inception of new social media applications (apps) and sites such as Facebook, Twitter, snap chat, Instagram and so on also adds to the alteration in our relations with each other. For instance, some females now focus on getting likes and followers or friend requests at the price of objectifying themselves on social media. Now there is nothing wrong with making friends on social media apps/sites but making those friends in the right way and for the right reasons matter more. When females objectify themselves, it sends the wrong message and attracts the wrong attention and men who have no intention of giving out the deserved respect to such females. Since the world today focuses only on the outer self,some females pay more attention on their outward appearance by wearing the newest collections of makeup and the latest designer trends than on the humanly qualities that matter most in their relationship with others. Although, putting in work to make the outlook of oneself be presentable and appealing to the eye of a beholder is admirable and commendable, working on the inner self and making one self a better person with better qualities is more important. There is nothing sadder than seeing a beautiful female with a nicely shaped body dressed in the trendiest outfit who has a bad attitude or lacks good humanly qualities. Establishing a better version of you by working on your inner self is what favors your relationships with others including your partner, spouse or significant other. Beauty is not just about the outer but mostly about the inner because outer beauty fades while the inner beauty remains ageless. In other words, the inner self beats the outer self.

So how do you work on your inner self? Next month's blog will discuss ways to improve your inner self and make you even more attractive to your partner or others around you, so the relationships you build, be healthy.


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