Success is what everyone wants. It is what everybody craves and chases. We seek to gain a fraction of success in every thing we do. From waking up to making an impact at work that gets you recognition or hoping to do well in a course at school, success is all anyone thinks of and hopes for in our world today. Achieving success is the reason we have role models in our lives. We model our actions and decisions after these people with the hope of being like or even better than them. However, people tend to forget that achieving success comes with a price that in most instances seem difficult to pay. The path to success mostly does encounter loneliness, betrayal and doubts. To be actually successful or gain success in anything, we need to sacrifice few things in order to gain the greater good. Our sacrifice to achieve success may interfere with the friendships we have built over the years. Some friends can put you in a position to choose between continuing on the path to success versus choosing to remain on good terms with them and remaining in your state of mediocrity. Achieving success or greatness has the ability of isolating one from some friends. This achievement can result in betrayal, jealousy and so on. People will become jealous and envious of you when they see you on top of the mountain or even on your path to the top of that mountain failing to realize that you were once stuck at the bottom of the valley. Not all your friends will support your decision in your pursuit of success. This is because not all friends are built or meant for all phases or chapters of one's life. Some friends are meant for a phase in your life or as a bridge from one phase to another. The path to success can be a lonely or miserable route but the end goal is favorable. Therefore, keep your eyes fixated on the goal at all times, ignoring bystanders or naysayers to achieve that you relentlessly crave or desire.
Instagram: innatelycrowned
Instagram: innatelycrowned
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