The killings of innocent black men in America has now become an epidemic. The number of African American men that lose their lives to the police are more than the Ebola and Zika Virus related deaths combined. Alton Sterling and Philando Castile are the 558th and 559th civilians who have lost their lives respectively to the police in 2016. The use of excessive force and brutal killings of these men by the police stem from hate, prejudice and racism. Where did this hate come from? Well I believe all this hate comes from the so called "freedom" we blacks have from the slave days. The mere fact that we can vote, own businesses, go to schools and earn degrees and diplomas, own a car and house and walk around freely in public angers a lot of white Americans. Also, as studies have shown that in years to come, the white race will now become a minority since the populations of blacks are increasing rapidly along with other races and mixed races. This scares some of the white race and has led to this hate and intent to contain and eliminate us. So how do we fight this hate or move forward? Well it's important to know three significant things before the solution to this issue. Firstly, we need to acknowledge that this is not a police versus black issue (so killing cops won't solve the issue). This is a black versus white issue. Secondly, we also have to understand that preaching love to these people who hate blacks won't change them. These people are past that stage. This is their way of life and as the African proverb, "you cannot teach an old dog tricks". Thirdly, we blacks need to come together as one to encourage, empower and educate each other. We have to break out of that mental slavery, chains and shackles that bear us down. It's time for emancipation! We should stay away from that childish mentality where we hate a certain group of people because they are from another country or background. For instance, I have heard some Jamaicans say they hate Grenadians and Grenadians say they hate Trinidadians and Trinidadians say they hate Guyanese and Guyanese say they hate Africans and so on. That way of thinking will not get us nowhere but rather give more room to our sufferings at the hands of these oppressors. It is time for togetherness and brotherly love. It's time for unity and to become one unit with an intent of fighting these oppressors. It is imperative to point out that I have no feelings of hate towards the white race or any other race but I have feelings of disgust to the way that blacks are treated by these white oppressors. This injustice needs to stop. Let us all join the movement in putting an end to societal brainwashing that contain us in mental shackles and chains. We must speak with one voice and let our words echo loud to break down those systemic foundations that tear us down. We need to strengthen our community and implement our culture into educational institutions for the benefit of this generation and future generations. It cannot be stressed enough that we are all equal and are one people created by one God, so there is no superior or inferior race. With a sad heart, to Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Gregory Gunn, Samuel Dubose, Oscar Grant, Tamir Rice, John Crawford, India Beaty, Renisha McBride, Walter Scott, Mario Woods, Philando Castile, Sandra Bland, Laquan McDonald, Ramarley Graham, Akai Gurley, Sean Bell, Amadou Diablo, Freddie Gray, Jamar Clark, Regia Boyd, Alton Sterling and the rest, I say adieu and rest in peace.
We are all ONE!!!
We are all ONE!!!
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