Ever wondered why to every left there is a right? And
to every right there is a wrong? why there is a male and a female? Why
there is a black and a white? Why there is a husband and there is a wife
and why you are different from everyone you see around you? These
opposites spell out diversity and balance but what they signify the most
is relationship. Relationship is the bedrock of our existence. It's
the foundation out of which we were formed and forged into life. With no
relationship with each other, there would be no I nor You. There would
be no us. However, today the word or the phenomena, relationship has
been contorted to fit certain people's definition of a relationship to
satisfy their own needs or interests. Many people have suffered hurt at
the hands of these people who have tainted the true meaning of a
relationship. Relationships revolve around true love and I use true love
because that word, love has also has been misused to mislead people's
emotions. Fortunately, true love does exist and it's the ultimate
pursuit of happiness and fulfillment. Love is so powerful, yet so gentle.
Love is so passionate but yet so pure. Love is not just a
statement or a document you sign your names on. Love is not a piece of jewelry that you adorn a woman with, but it involves commitment and actions that portray heartfelt feelings. Love is selfless and also requires work but
the creation from that work is nothing short of a miracle. Although, the
issues of love and relationships might have caused you hurt and pain in
the past, do not let it keep you from experiencing love. Do not find yourself to be
among those who say, I don't need a man to be happy or I don't need a
woman to be happy. Both statements are right and wrong. You don't need
someone to make you happy because the real work starts with you. You
can't be unhappy and expect someone to be happy with you. You have to
love yourself first before someone else can love you. The wrong thing
with that statement of not needing anyone is that it shows that you're
not truly happy. You may be happy but not fully happy since the final
stop of true happiness is love and when you arrive at that stop, you
always want to share it with someone that really deserves it.Now, the journey
to love may not always be smooth but never give up on love. Don't let
the past issues of relationships make you give up on love rather give in to love, because it will surely show up when you least expect it, and erase
those old and sad memories you may have experienced in life.
Donald Trump, a known business man and TV personality is the 45th president of the United States of America. I remember being in a state of shock when he won the election last year and was inaugurated into office earlier this year. Since the inception of his government, he has been controversial in his comments, actions and leadership style. This has caused a lot of hateful comments and criticism from celebrities. Recent controversial comments from Trump include the racist comments regarding NFL players, belittling and preachy comments on Puerto Rico, Harvey Weinstein and Bob Corker. Trump's administration has brought about feelings of hate and disgust in people to the point that people have marched out in streets in protests as a means to voice their feelings. Although Donald Trump is a little child in an adult body because of his leadership judgment, mannerisms, choice of words and actions, he is just what America needs. This is because he is the most successful American p...
I am lost for words. Thank you for this