Dearest you, When I embarked on the journey of writing blogs, it was just my way of putting my thoughts on paper. Well in this case on the net. It was a little way of me connecting with everyone around the world. I was nervous writing/posting my first blog (she won't call him handsome) not because of lack of ideas or my writing, but merely about how it would be received by readers. My first blog which I posted in May of 2016 received tremendous reviews from colleagues, friends and strangers who continue to be avid readers. For the love you've shown me, I want to thank you all. I appreciate all of you. It has been a great year for me although I still want to achieve more and gain greater heights in 2018. Can you believe it's already December? It sure feels like it was just yesterday when we were wishing people good tidings of the New Year. The year started out with me taking the lead on organizing a donation drive for two charities at my workplace to help the le...
Blogs on relationships, love and romance.