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Showing posts from 2019

Life will beat you down

This month has been a tough one for me since I have been called on by various friends to be there as a support or as an advice lender to get them through one situation or the other leaving me in a state of not knowing what to post for this month as a blog. So here goes nothing. Hopefully, the following paragraph of sentences blesses someone. Remember when we were little children and we craved adulthood so much that we hated the idea of being called kids or children. When our parents would say things like, "let me help you get dressed or let me help you with your bath" , we would reply, "I can do it myself". I'm a big boy /girl or simply, I'm big now were the phrases that followed suit. No one could blame us because adults seemed cool. It only seemed like they got it all figured out and knew something we did not know. They seemed grounded in life and were able to manouver through life with great poise. Little did we know that we had misjudged the book...

The myth of happiness

Happiness is a commodity of life, we humans strive to purchase at all cost. In some cases, we are stuck on it, feed on it and have withdrawal symptoms from running low or out of it. If we were to define happiness or put it in a sentence, we would say that happiness is the instant effect of realization or actualization. In other words, happiness is achieved when a goal or task is accomplished. Happiness, however is commonly mistaken or misinterpreted by us humans and therefore utilised wrongfully in our relationships with each other. Most people who are single, when asked what they look for in a mate, state that they want someone who make them happy. Also, people who are in a relationship, when asked what they like about their mate, usually state that he or she makes them happy. However, this is far from the truth. This is because no one has the power to make you happy. The truth is that you are responsible for your own happiness. Yes, people can be agents of helping you achieve your ha...

Single parenting and dating

Single parenting is one of the hardest, if not the hardest responsibility one can take on because it involves sacrifice, time, and other factors that come in play with this great task. I can attest to this not because I'm a single parent but because for most of my life, I was raised by my mother. I saw first hand what she went through to mold me into the man I am now. That being said, I have the most respect for single parents who are dedicated in raising their children. Although, single parenthood is as difficult and time tasking as I aforementioned, single parents deserve love and as such engage in dating. When it comes to dating, we can all agree that both parties need to understand where each other is coming from in order for the relationship to work. This also applies to single parents and who they decide to date. Over the years, the percentage of women or men who are single parents has increased about 60 percent from 1976 till date. This means in today 's society, it is...

S. E. X: What she wants (Play) - The final chapter

When it comes to sex, it is highly pertinent that the man knows his way around the bedroom or how to adequately explore the woman's anatomy in order to satisfy the woman or help her achieve orgasm. Helping a woman achieve orgasm is key in establishing a healthy sexual relationship or relationship in general as men are not as complex as women in achieving orgasms. The fundamentals of getting a woman sexually aroused or get to a point where achieving orgasms is clearly outlined in my previous blog. So, as much as some of the male readers may want to skip that blog, I strongly recommend you read that blog to get immersed in the basics of what to do to please the woman in the bedroom. So, since we are up to speed to what "foreplay" truly means and how it can be applied in a sexual relationship between couples, let us examine "play" or what every woman wants or seeks from their male partner in the bedroom. i) Every woman needs a man that knows what they are doing...

S. E. X: What she wants (Foreplay) - The first chapter

Sex is an integral part of a relationship between couples. Some may describe it as the it factor in a relationship because it enables couples reconnect and recalibrate to proceed in the relationship with a reinvigorated mindset and approach. In my previous blogs, I have stressed the significance of relationships and how they are underpinnings in our existence. Sex, on the other hand is fundamental and the only reason behind our existence. In other words, relationships came before sex and sex catalysed more relationships. Since it involves more than one person to have sex, it is important for each person to know what the other likes or does not like in the bedroom. As the saying goes, ladies first, this blog seeks to discuss what women want or like in the bedroom. Now that the background information regarding sex and how it relates to relationships has been highlighted, let us unfold the intent of the blog. Women are emotional beings and as such are influenced by emotions in their...

Michael Jackson: The star, the lies and the legend

I was a year when I first had my earliest experience with Micheal Jackson's songs. My mom actually said that on my first birthday, I tried to do a happy jump when songs like Beat it, Thriller, Bad, Smooth Criminal and the rest played. I was so inspired by Michael Jackson that when I was 3, I would wear my white socks on my right hand. He was the most popular singer songwriter and performer at that time and continues to inspire different artists, songs, genres and dance moves. He has influenced different generations and continues to do so to generations of new. This leads to the intent of this blog. Recently, Michael Jackson or as I call him, the real MJ was portrayed in a documentary, Leaving Neverland, as a pedophile who molested young children. In the documentary (that I refuse to waste my time on), 2 white males were interviewed and gave their statements on how MJ masturbated in front of them and touched them inappropriately. Apparently, there are more people who are also com...

The women and established men theory

You have probably heard women say that qualities they want in a man they'd love to be theirs are tall, dark and handsome. One other quality that women also say they want in a man is an established man. This quality does not make waves like the rest, maybe because it's kind of expected that a man be established before looking to settle down with a woman. However, this remains but a fantasy to women because in reality, there are few women that can cope with an established man. They love the theory of having an established man in their lives but when it comes down to it and are somehow given the chance to turn that fantasy into reality, they shy away from it. In most instances, men who are established know what they want and may seem to favour what women want in a man but it comes with some baggage. A man that knows what he wants has principles and habits that have helped achieve him success. It can paint these type of men as being stubborn, defiant or inflexible. Women are not hi...

The haves and the have nots

I was seated on the subway train days ago headed to work when this homeless white lady got on and sat down across from me. She had a shopping cart with her that seemed to contain all her belongings. However, she didn't look concerned that she did not have much. When she took off her winter jacket, I noticed she had a worn out sweater. My heart sank. Minutes later, she put on her glasses and started knitting a neck scarf that seemed almost done. As I watched this lady, I felt terrible about myself and the rest of us that have more than her. All her belongings fit in a small shopping cart. She had on worn out clothes but her facial expressions did not match her appearance and socioeconomic status. She was calm and looked worry-free. A month ago, I was on a social media app when I came across some African children dancing to a song that was heard from the background. Although they were fully clothed, you could sense that they were impoverished as their surroundings told the story....