This month has been a tough one for me since I have been called on by various friends to be there as a support or as an advice lender to get them through one situation or the other leaving me in a state of not knowing what to post for this month as a blog. So here goes nothing. Hopefully, the following paragraph of sentences blesses someone. Remember when we were little children and we craved adulthood so much that we hated the idea of being called kids or children. When our parents would say things like, "let me help you get dressed or let me help you with your bath" , we would reply, "I can do it myself". I'm a big boy /girl or simply, I'm big now were the phrases that followed suit. No one could blame us because adults seemed cool. It only seemed like they got it all figured out and knew something we did not know. They seemed grounded in life and were able to manouver through life with great poise. Little did we know that we had misjudged the book...
Blogs on relationships, love and romance.