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Showing posts from 2016

It's not just all about you

The season of Christmas is upon us.  It has crept upon us faster than we had expected. It's December and my favorite month of the year not because of the season that it brings, but because this month embodies the happiest moments of my childhood.  It taught me the real meaning of family, happiness, togetherness and great outpour of charity, which i s originally refer red to as agap Ä“ l ove. As you know, Love is a n affection of benevolence towards another with no expecta tion of reciprocity and absence of selfish gains or interest. Although, Christmas signifies the birth and celebration of Jesus Christ and a major part of the Christian religion, it means so much more than that. However, it is wise not to dwell on that because that fixation could cause a segregation across religious beliefs. Christmas simply personifies and creates a platform for giving rather than receiving. As a young boy, I was educated on the difference between giving and receiving by my late grandfather...

He's got your back

Every day we wake up,roll out of bed, check our phones to stay connected to the social world. We shower, grab a bite and run off to our jobs. We come back from our jobs, shower, grab a bite, catch a show or two on TV while staying connected to the social world, then we go to sleep. This becomes a cycle everyday. We become robots following a routine, while our relationship with God suffers. We forget God, well maybe its a stretch to say we forget Him but we keep God in storage. We keep Him in our metaphorical boxes for later use.We push Him to the sidelines till we run out of options or when we are greeted with problems, and solutions become a stranger to us. We become lost in the fast paced life that we are now enslaved to, which debars us from appreciating God's presence and blessings. Giving thanks to God for giving us the breath of life, good health, and ability to make wealth becomes a foreign language our minds and mouths find difficult to...

Never give up, Give in!

Ever wondered why to every left there is a right? And to every right there is a wrong? why there is a male and a female? Why there is a black and a white? Why there is a husband and there is a wife and why you are different from everyone you see around you? These opposites spell out diversity and balance but what they signify the most is relationship. Relationship is the bedrock of our existence. It's the foundation out of which we were formed and forged into life. With no relationship with each other, there would be no I nor You. There would be no us. However, today the word or the phenomena, relationship has been contorted to fit certain people's definition of a relationship to satisfy their own needs or interests. Many people have suffered hurt at the hands of these people who have tainted the true meaning of a relationship. Relationships revolve around true love and I use true love because that word, love has also has been misused to mislead people's em...

The inner self - your authentic self

When you see a exotic car or a nicely built mansion, it's fair to say that you are enthralled by the outer beauty of that car or house because that is what your eyes are drawn to. Although, that car or house looks appealing on the outside, the real beauty of that car lies in the engine and its other internal parts, which fosters its' movement and durability on the road. The real beauty of that house is in its' foundation, since the foundation and the inner pillars provide stability and structure to that house. Hence, the reason why builders/ architects and car manufacturers spend more time on the foundations of a house and on the engine/internal fixtures of a car than on the external fixtures.  Humans are not different. Our real beauty stems from our inner self and facilitates our relations with others around us. However, we tend to focus more on our outer self by incorporating the use of cosmetic products like make-up to enhance ourselves while ignoring the inner self. W...

The inner beats the outer

The heightened media influence in the world today has led to a lot of changes in how things are viewed or perceived. As anything that brings about change, it has brought along things of good and bad. The world we live in, is a world that revolves around sight (what you see) and as such, dwells on the outward reflection of a person. When you watch the Oscars or the Grammys on the TV, you hear comments of how well dressed or how good look someone looks. The outer self gets the most praise while the inner self rarely gets discussed. Also, the rise in popularity and the inception of new social media applications (apps) and sites such as Facebook, Twitter, snap chat, Instagram and so on also adds to the alteration in our relations with each other. For instance, some females now focus on getting likes and followers or friend requests at the price of objectifying themselves on social media. Now there is nothing wrong with making friends on social media apps/sites but making those friends in ...

Unity is all we need (Tribute to my fallen brothers and sisters)

The killings of innocent black men in America has now become an epidemic. The number of African American men that lose their lives to the police are more than the Ebola and Zika Virus related deaths combined. Alton Sterling and Philando Castile are the 558th and 559th civilians who have lost their lives respectively  to the police in 2016. The use of excessive force and brutal killings of these men by the police stem from hate, prejudice and racism. Where did this hate come from? Well I believe all this hate comes from the so called "freedom" we blacks have from the slave days. The mere fact that we can vote, own businesses, go to schools and earn degrees and diplomas, own a car and house and walk around freely in public angers a lot of white Americans. Also, as studies have shown that in years to come, the white race will now become a minority since the populations of blacks are increasing rapidly along with other races and mixed races. This scares some of the white race and...

Let sex be the dessert

Sex has been an activity we have invested in from the beginning of time. That dirty, secretive, heart racing, sheets wrinkling, bodies-colliding deed that we engage in, but dare not talk about in public. This three-letter word plays a major role in the world we live in today. It has strong ties to our society- its existence, longevity and foundation. Although, sex is essential in any intimate relationship, it sometimes is not effectively put to work by couples. People have sex for different reasons. Reasons could include love, attraction, lust/carnal desires, rebellion and so on. However, the focus here will be for couples who are in a relationship or want to form a relationship with a sex life that is nowhere near boring.   Now, foreplay is a word that comes to mind when we are asked of how to make sex better and more passionate. That is correct. The only problem is that many people do not know what foreplay is or how to correctly implement it. Knowing the definition of f...

She won't call him handsome

Women in general are created to perfection. Their well-proportioned facial features, bodacious curves and innate cat-like walks are some of many things women possess that drive men insane. Traditionally, it has been the duty of the man to acknowledge a woman’s appearance or beauty. Most people would agree that it is the gentleman’s thing to do. A man who takes a woman out on a date is expected to compliment her appearance or beauty if he wants to score a second date with her. Admiration comments are also expected from husbands and boyfriends. Many couples have had fights that stemmed from the husband not complimenting their wives’ appearance. This stresses the importance of verbally acknowledging a woman’s appearance. However, it is also important for the woman to acknowledge the men on their appearance because men do appreciate those words and compliments. Words like “You are so handsome”, “I love that color on you. It makes you look more attractive” makes a man feel like a million ...